Source code for falass.job

import numpy as np
from falass import readwrite, dataformat
import os

[docs]class Job(): """The catch all. This class is used for setting up the falass job -- and is generally a catch all for inputs that do not fit into other parts. Parameters ---------- files: falass.readwrite.Files A Files class item. layer_thickness: float The thickness of the layers that the simulation cell should be sliced into. cut_off_size: float The size of the simulation cell that should be ignored from the bottom -- this is to allow for the use of a vacuum gap at the bottom of the cell. """ def __init__(self, files, layer_thickness, cut_off_size): self.files = files self.layer_thickness = layer_thickness self.cut_off_size = cut_off_size self.times = np.asarray(self.files.times) self.new_file = False
[docs] def set_run(self, files=None, layer_thickness=None, cut_off_size=None): """Edit job inputs. This allows parts of the class to be assigned after the initial assignment or changed Parameters ---------- files: falass.readwrite.Files A Files class item. layer_thickness: float The thickness of the layers that the simulation cell should be sliced into. cut_off_size: float The size of the simulation cell that should be ignored from the bottom -- this is to allow for the use of a vacuum gap at the bottom of the cell. """ if files: self.files = files self.times = np.asarray(self.files.times) if layer_thickness: self.layer_thickness = layer_thickness if cut_off_size: self.cut_off_size = cut_off_size
[docs] def set_lgts(self): """Assign scattering lengths. Assigned the scattering lengths from the lgtfile to the different atom types. If no lgtfile is defined falass will help the user to build one by working through the atom types in the pdb file and requesting input of the real and imaginary scattering lengths. This will also occur if a atom type if found in the pdbfile but not in the given lgts file. falass will write the lgtfile to disk if atom types do not feature in the given lgtfile or one is written from scratch. """ if self.files.lgtfile: lines = len(self.files.atoms) print("Setting atoms lengths") percentage = 0 readwrite.print_update(percentage) path, extension = os.path.splitext(self.files.lgtfile) lgtfile_name = path + extension for i in range(0, len(self.files.atoms)): percentage_new = np.floor(i / lines * 100) percentage = readwrite.check_update(percentage, percentage_new) for j in range(0, len(self.files.atoms[i])): duplicate = readwrite.check_duplicates(self.files.scat_lens, self.files.atoms[i][j].atom) if not duplicate: self.new_file = True real_scat_len = input('The following atom type has no scattering length given ' 'in the lgt file {} \nPlease define a real scattering length for ' 'this atom type: '.format(self.files.atoms[i][j].atom)) imag_scat_len = input('\nPlease define a imaginary scattering length for ' 'this atom type: '.format(self.files.atoms[i][j].atom)) self.files.scat_lens.append(dataformat.ScatLens(self.files.atoms[i][j].atom, float(real_scat_len), float(imag_scat_len))) readwrite.print_update(100) else: self.new_file = True print('There was no lgt file defined, falass will help you define one and save it for future use.') for i in range(0, len(self.files.atoms)): for j in range(0, len(self.files.atoms[i])): duplicate = readwrite.check_duplicates(self.files.scat_lens, self.files.atoms[i][j].atom) if not duplicate: real_scat_len = input('The following atom type has no scattering length given ' 'in the lgt file {} \nPlease define a real scattering length for ' 'this atom type: '.format(self.files.atoms[i][j].atom)) imag_scat_len = input('\nPlease define a imaginary scattering length for ' 'this atom type: '.format(self.files.atoms[i][j].atom)) self.files.scat_lens.append(dataformat.ScatLens(self.files.atoms[i][j].atom, float(real_scat_len), float(imag_scat_len))) lgtfile_name = input("What should the lgt file be named? ") path, extension = os.path.splitext(lgtfile_name) if extension != '.lgt': lgtfile_name = path + '.lgt' if self.new_file: i = 0 while os.path.isfile(lgtfile_name): i+=1 lgtfile_name = path + '_' + str(i) + '.lgt' lgtsf = open(lgtfile_name, 'w') for i in range(0, len(self.files.scat_lens)): lgtsf.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(self.files.scat_lens[i].atom, self.files.scat_lens[i].real * 1e5, self.files.scat_lens[i].imag * 1e5)) print('A new lgtfile has been written with the name {}'.format(lgtfile_name))
[docs] def set_times(self, times=None): """Assign times to analyse. The assignment of the simulation timesteps that should be analysed. if none are given all will be analysed. Parameters ---------- times: array_like float The timesteps that should be analysed, in the unit of time that present in the pdbfile. """ if times: self.times = np.arange(float(times[0]), float(times[1]) + float(times[2]), float(times[2])) else: first_times = float(input( "Please define the first timestep to be analysed, the first in the pdb file was {} ps: ".format( self.files.times[0]))) while check_array(self.files.times, first_times) is not True: first_times = float(input("TIMESTEP NOT FOUND. Please define the first timestep to be analysed, " "the first in the pdb file was {} ps: ".format(self.files.times[0]))) last_times = float(input( "Please define the last timestep to be analysed, the last in the pdb file was {} ps: ".format( self.files.times[-1]))) while check_array(self.files.times, last_times) is not True: last_times = float(input("TIMESTEP NOT FOUND. Please define the last timestep to be analysed, " "the last in the pdb file was {} ps: ".format(self.files.times[-1]))) interval_times = float(input("Please define time interval for analysis, the smallest interval in the pdb " "file was {} ps: ".format(self.files.times[1] - self.files.times[0]))) while interval_times > last_times: interval_times = float(input("NOT A VALID INTERVAL. Please define time interval for analysis, " "the smallest interval in the pdb file was {} ps: ".format(self.files.times[1] - self.files.times[0]))) self.times = np.arange(first_times, last_times + interval_times, interval_times)
[docs]def check_array(array, check): """Checks if item is in array. Checks if an item has already been added to an array. Parameters ---------- array: array-type The array to check. check: str The item to try and find. Returns ------- bool true if the item is already present in the scatlen type array, false if not. """ for i in range(0, len(array)): if check == array[i]: return True return False