Source code for falass.readwrite

import numpy as np
from falass import dataformat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import MDAnalysis as mda

[docs]class Files: """File parsing. Definition of the files to be used in the analysis; such as the .pdb file, .lgt file (is one exists), .dat file (is one exists). Also defined at this time are the resolution (this is ignored if the .dat file has 4 columns) and the percentage error in the intensity (this is also ignored if the .dat file has >2 columns), and whether the simulation cell should be flipped in the xy-plane. Parameters ---------- pdbfile: str Path and name of the .pdb file to be analysed. lgtfile: str, optional Path and name of the .lgt file (which contains the scattering lengths of each of the atom types in the pdbfile). If a lgtfile is not defined falass will help in the creation of one. Currently the .lgt file style that is supported is a 3 column space separated txt file where the columns are atom_type, real_scattering_length, and imaginary_scattering_length respectively. datfile: str, optional Path and name of the .dat file (from which the analysis q vectors are drawn and also for subsequent comparison between theory and experiment). If a datfile is not defined falass will allow the user to define a range of q vectors to calculate the reflectometry over. Currently the .dat file style that is supported is a 2, 3, and 4 column space separated txt files where the columns are q, i, di, and dq respectively. resolution: float, optional Percentage of the q vector for the width of the resolution Gaussian function to be used in the data smearing, if a 4 column datfile is given this is ignored. ierror: float, optional Percentage error of the intensity to be assumed, if a >2 column datfile is used this is ignored. flip: bool, optional False if the system should be read as is, true is the simulation cell should be rotated through the xy-plane -- note that falass treats the first side that the neutron or X-ray interacts with as that at z=0. xray: bool, optional True if the scattering length of the particles should be scaled by the classical radius of an electron. """ def __init__(self, pdbfile=None, lgtfile=None, datfile=None, resolution=5., ierror=5., flip=False, xray=False): self.pdbfile = pdbfile self.cell = [] self.atoms = [] self.number_of_timesteps = 0 self.times = [] self.lgtfile = lgtfile self.scat_lens = [] self.datfile = datfile self.expdata = [] self.ierror = ierror self.resolution = resolution self.flip = flip self.xray = xray return
[docs] def set_file(self, pdbfile=None, lgtfile=None, datfile=None): """Edits files. Let the subsequent definition, or redefinition of the pdbfile, lgtfile or datfile. Parameters ---------- pdbfile: str Path and name of the .pdb file to be analysed. lgtfile: str, optional Path and name of the .lgt file (which contains the scattering lengths of each of the atom types in the pdbfile). If a lgtfile is not defined falass will help in the creation of one. Currently the .lgt file style that is supported is a 3 column space separated txt file where the columns are atom_type, real_scattering_length, and imaginary_scattering_length respectively. datfile: str, optional Path and name of the .dat file (from which the /home/arm61/progs/refnxanalysis q vectors are drawn and also for subsequent comparison between theory and experiment). If a datfile is not defined falass will allow the user to define a range of q vectors to calculate the reflectometry over. Currently the .dat file style that is supported is a 2, 3, and 4 column space separated txt files where the columns are q, i, di, and dq respectively. """ if pdbfile: self.pdbfile = pdbfile if lgtfile: self.lgtfile = lgtfile if datfile: self.datfile = datfile return
[docs] def read_pdb(self): """Parse .pdb. Reads the .pdb file into memory. Currently the atoms must have the title 'ATOM', the timestep time needs to be the last text in the 'TITLE' line, and the cell dimensions are taken from the 'CRYST1' line, and assumed to be orthorhomic. Non-orthorhomic cells are not necessarily supported. """ print("Reading PDB file") self.u = u = mda.Universe(self.pdbfile) self.cell = [] self.atoms = [] for ts in u.trajectory: self.cell.append(u.dimensions[:3].copy()) # grab z positions pos = u.atoms.positions[:, 2] # flip? if self.flip: pos = flip_zpos(u.dimensions[2], pos) self.atoms.append( [dataformat.AtomPositions(, p) for at, p in zip(u.atoms, pos)] ) lines = line_count(self.pdbfile) with open(self.pdbfile, 'r') as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): if "TITLE " in line: self.number_of_timesteps, new_time = iterate_time(self.number_of_timesteps, line) self.times.append(new_time) return
[docs] def read_lgt(self): """Parses .lgt. Parses the lgtfile. If no lgtfile is defined falass will help the user to build one by working through the atom types in the pdb file and requesting input of the real and imaginary scattering lengths. This will also occur if a atom type if found in the pdbfile but not in the given lgts file. falass will write the lgtfile to disk if atom types do not feature in the given lgtfile or one is written from scratch. """ if self.lgtfile: lines = line_count(self.lgtfile) print("Reading LGT file") percentage = 0 print_update(percentage) file = open(self.lgtfile, 'r') for i, line in enumerate(file): percentage_new = np.floor(i / lines * 100) percentage = check_update(percentage, percentage_new) line_list = line.split() duplicate = check_duplicates(self.scat_lens, line_list[0]) if not duplicate: i = 1 if self.xray: i *= 2.817940 self.scat_lens.append(dataformat.ScatLens(line_list[0], float(line_list[1])*i, float(line_list[2])*i)) print_update(100) file.close() else: raise ValueError("No lgtfile has been defined.") return
[docs] def read_dat(self): """Parses .dat. Parses the .dat file, supporting 2, 3, and 4 column files consisting of q, i, di, and dq with comments in lines where the first character is a '#'. If there is no .dat file the get_qs() function should be used to generate q vectors to allow for the calculation of the reflectometry profile. """ self.expdata=[] if self.datfile: lines = line_count(self.datfile) print("Reading DAT file") percentage = 0 print_update(percentage) file = open(self.datfile, 'r') for i, line in enumerate(file): percentage_new = np.floor(i / lines * 100) percentage = check_update(percentage, percentage_new) if line[0] != '#': line_list = line.split() if len(line_list) == 2: self.expdata.append(dataformat.QData(float(line_list[0]), float(line_list[1]), float(line_list[1]) * (self.ierror / 100), float(line_list[0]) * (self.resolution / 100))) if len(line_list) == 3: self.expdata.append(dataformat.QData(float(line_list[0]), float(line_list[1]), float(line_list[2]), float(line_list[0]) * (self.resolution / 100))) if len(line_list) == 4: self.expdata.append(dataformat.QData(float(line_list[0]), float(line_list[1]), float(line_list[2]), float(line_list[3]))) print_update(100) file.close() else: print('No DAT file has been given, therefore no comparison will be conducted, please use the get_qs ' 'function. Alternatively the DAT file can be added using the setFile function.') return
[docs] def get_qs(self, start=0.005, end=0.5, number=50): """Make custom q-vectors. If no datfile exists this function should be used to generate a linear-spaced range of q-vector for the calculation of the reflectometry over. Parameters ---------- start: float, optional The first q-vector for which the reflectometry should be calculated. end: float, optional The last q-vector for which the reflectometry should be calculated. number: int, optional The number of q-vectors. """ q_values = np.linspace(start, end, number) for i in range(0, len(q_values)): self.expdata.append(dataformat.QData(q_values[i], None, None, q_values[i] * (self.resolution / 100))) return
[docs] def plot_dat(self, rq4=True): """Plot the experimental data file that has been read in. Parameters ---------- rq4: bool, optional Should the plot be created with a y-axis of Rq^4 """ if self.datfile: x = [] y = [] dy = [] plt.rc('text') plt.rc('font', family='serif') if rq4: for i in range(0, len(self.expdata)): x.append(self.expdata[i].q) y.append(np.log10(self.expdata[i].i * self.expdata[i].q ** 4)) dy.append((self.expdata[i].di * self.expdata[i].q ** 4) / (self.expdata[i].i * np.log(10))) plt.ylabel('log($Rq^4$) (\AA$^4$)') else: for i in range(0, len(self.expdata)): x.append(self.expdata[i].q) y.append(np.log10(self.expdata[i].i)) dy.append(self.expdata[i].di / (self.expdata[i].i * np.log(10))) plt.ylabel('log($R$)') x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) dy = np.asarray(dy) plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=dy, marker='o', ls='') plt.xlabel('$q$ (\AA)') else: raise ValueError("No data file is defined.") return plt
[docs]def check_duplicates(array, check): """Stops duplicate atom types. Checks if an atom type has already been added to an array. Parameters ---------- array: array-type ScatLens The array to check. check: str The atom type to try and find. Returns ------- bool True if the atom type is already present in the scatlen type array, false if not. """ for i in range(0, len(array)): if array[i].atom == check: return True return False
[docs]def line_count(filename): """File length. Quickly counts the number of lines in a file Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file that the number of lines is desired for. Returns ------- int Number of lines in the file """ i = 0 with open(filename) as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass return i + 1
[docs]def flip_zpos(cell, zpos): """Flip the z-position. Flips the z-position through the xy-plane. Parameters ---------- cell: float z-cell dimension. zpos: float z-position for an atom. Returns ------- float z-position after the flipping """ return np.sqrt(np.square(cell - zpos))
[docs]def iterate_time(number_of_timesteps, line): """Increases the number of timesteps Iterates the number of timesteps and finds the new timestep value. Parameters ---------- number_of_timesteps: int Number of timesteps found so far. line: str 'TITLE' line from the pdb file which has timestep information. Returns ------- int Number of timesteps iterated by 1. float Time of newest timestep. """ number_of_timesteps += 1 new_time = float(line.split()[-1]) return number_of_timesteps, new_time
[docs]def check_update(percentage, percentage_new): """Check if an update string should be printed. Assess if an update string should be printed to the screen. Parameters ---------- string: int Percentage of way through reading. Returns ------- int New percentage of way through reading. """ if percentage_new > percentage + 9: percentage = percentage_new print_update(percentage) return percentage