Source code for falass.reflect

import numpy as np
from falass import dataformat
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline

[docs]class Reflect: """Reflectometry calculation. A class for the calculation of reflectometry from the sld profile defined in the falass.sld.SLD class. Parameters ---------- sld_profile: array_like falass.dataformat.SLDPro An array describing the scattering length density of the simulation cell under study. exp_data: array_like falass.dataformat.QData An array giving the experimental data from the datfile. """ def __init__(self, sld_profile, exp_data): self.sld_profile = sld_profile self.exp_data = exp_data self.averagereflect = [] self.reflect = []
[docs] def calc_ref(self): """Calculate reflectometry. The calculation of the reflectometry profiles based on the sld profiles calculated from each of the timesteps under study. """ if len(self.exp_data) > 0: self.reflect = [] prog = 0 k = 0 print("Calculating reflectometry\n[ 0 % ]") for i in range(0, len(self.sld_profile)): k += 1 prog_new = np.floor(k / (len(self.sld_profile)) * 100) if prog_new > prog + 9: prog = prog_new print("[{} {} % ]".format('#' * int(prog / 10), int(prog / 10) * 10)) refl = convolution(self.exp_data, self.sld_profile[i]) a = [] for j in range(0, len(self.exp_data)): a.append(dataformat.QData(self.exp_data[j].q, refl[j], 0, self.exp_data[j].dq)) self.reflect.append(a) else: raise ValueError('No q vectors have been defined -- either read a .dat file or get q vectors.')
[docs] def average_ref(self): """Average reflectometry profiles. The averaging of the reflectometry profiles as calculated by the calc_ref() function. """ if len(self.exp_data) > 0: self.averagereflect = [] for i in range(0, len(self.reflect[0])): self.averagereflect.append(dataformat.QData(self.exp_data[i].q, 0, 0, self.exp_data[i].dq)) for i in range(0, len(self.reflect[0])): for j in range(0, len(self.reflect)): self.averagereflect[i].i += self.reflect[j][i].i self.averagereflect[i].i /= len(self.reflect) for j in range(0, len(self.reflect)): self.averagereflect[i].di += np.square(self.reflect[j][i].i - self.averagereflect[i].i) self.averagereflect[i].di = np.sqrt(1. / (len(self.reflect) - 1) * self.averagereflect[i].di) else: raise ValueError('No q vectors have been defined -- either read a .dat file or get q vectors.')
[docs] def plot_ref(self, rq4=True): #pragma: no cover """Plot reflectometry profile. The plotting of the calculated reflectometry data without comparison to experimental data. Parameters ---------- rq4: bool Should the data be transformed to rq4 space. """ if len(self.exp_data) > 0: x = [] y = [] dy = [] plt.rc('text') plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) for i in range(0, len(self.exp_data)): x.append(self.averagereflect[i].q) y.append(np.log10(self.averagereflect[i].i * self.averagereflect[i].q ** 4)) dy.append((self.averagereflect[i].di * self.averagereflect[i].q ** 4) / (self.averagereflect[i].i * np.log(10))) x = np.asarray(x) y = np.asarray(y) dy = np.asarray(dy) plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=dy) plt.xlabel('$q$ (\AA)') plt.ylabel('log($Rq^4$) (\AA$^4$)') else: raise ValueError('No q vectors have been defined -- either read a .dat file or get q vectors.') return plt
[docs]def convolution(exp_data, sld_profile): """Convolution/smearing The convolution of the reflectometry data by a gaussian of constant width (a percentage of the q-vector) Parameters ---------- exp_data: falass.dataformat.QData The experimental data from the datfile. sld_profile: falass.dataformat.SLDPro The SLD profile calculated from the simulation trajectory. lt: float The thickness of the layers. Returns ------- array_like The smeared reflectometry profile. """ fwhm = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) res = exp_data[0].dq / exp_data[0].q if exp_data[0].dq / exp_data[0].q < 0.0005: return reflectivity(exp_data, sld_profile) gnum = 51 ggpoint = (gnum - 1) / 2 def gauss(x, s): return 1. / s / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.exp(-0.5 * x ** 2 / s / s) q = [] for i in range(0, len(exp_data)): q.append(exp_data[i].q) lowq = np.min(q) highq = np.max(q) start = np.log10(lowq) - 6 * res / fwhm finish = np.log10(highq * (1 + 6 * res / fwhm)) interp = np.round(np.abs(1 * (np.abs(start-finish)) / (1.7 * res / fwhm / ggpoint))) xtemp = np.linspace(start, finish, int(interp)) xlin = np.power(10., xtemp) gaussx = np.linspace(-1.7 * res, 1.7 * res, gnum) gaussy = gauss(gaussx, res / fwhm) rvals = reflectivity(xlin, sld_profile) smeared_rvals = np.convolve(rvals, gaussy, mode='same') interpol = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(xlin, smeared_rvals) smeared_output = interpol(q) smeared_output *= gaussx[1] - gaussx[0] return smeared_output
[docs]def reflectivity(exp_data, sld_profile): """Abeles optical matrix formalism. The calculation of the reflectometry using the Abeles optical matrix method. Parameters ---------- exp_data: falass.dataformat.QData The experimental data from the datfile. sld_profile: falass.dataformat.SLDPro The SLD profile calculated from the simulation trajectory. lt: float The thickness of the layers. Returns ------- array_like The reflectometry profile. """ layers = np.zeros((len(sld_profile), 4)) for i in range(0, len(sld_profile)): layers[i][0] = sld_profile[i].thick layers[i][1] = sld_profile[i].real layers[i][2] = sld_profile[i].imag layers[i][3] = 0 qvals = np.asfarray(exp_data).ravel() nlayers = len(sld_profile) - 2 npnts = qvals.size kn = make_kn(npnts, nlayers, layers, qvals) k = kn[:,0] mrtot = [[1, 0], [0, 1]] for idx in range(1, nlayers + 2): k, mrtot = layer_loop(kn, k, idx, layers, mrtot) ref = (mrtot[0][1] * np.conj(mrtot[0][1])) / (mrtot[0][0] * np.conj(mrtot[0][0])) return np.real(np.reshape(ref, exp_data.shape))
[docs]def layer_loop(kn, k, idx, layers, mrtot): """Calculation that is conducted for each layer. The is the calculation carried out for each layer in the Abeles optical matrix method calculation. Parameters ---------- kn: array_like The wavevector at the start of the current layer. k: array_like The wavevector at the start of the semi-infinite top layer. idx: int The layer number. layers: array_like An n by 4 array consisting of information about the layer; thickness, real SLD, imag SLD, and roughness (not used in falass), where n is the number of layers. mrtot: array_like A 2 by 2 array of float comprising the resultant matrix for the layered structure. Returns ------- float The wavevector at the start of the next layer. array_like The updated resultant matrix. """ k_next, rj = knext_and_rj(kn, idx, k) # work out characteristic matrix of layer mi00 = np.exp(k * 1j * np.fabs(layers[idx - 1, 0])) if idx - 1 else 1 mi11 = np.exp(k * -1j * np.fabs(layers[idx - 1, 0])) if idx - 1 else 1 mi10 = rj * mi00 mi01 = rj * mi11 # matrix multiply mrtot by characteristic matrix p0 = mrtot[0][0] * mi00 + mrtot[1][0] * mi01 p1 = mrtot[0][0] * mi10 + mrtot[1][0] * mi11 mrtot[0][0] = p0 mrtot[1][0] = p1 p0 = mrtot[0][1] * mi00 + mrtot[1][1] * mi01 p1 = mrtot[0][1] * mi10 + mrtot[1][1] * mi11 mrtot[0][1] = p0 mrtot[1][1] = p1 k = k_next return k, mrtot
[docs]def make_kn(npnts, nlayers, layers, qvals): """Generate the starting kn and sld arrays. This will generate the appropriate array for the Abele optical matrix method calculation. Parameters ---------- npnts: int number of q-vectors to be calculated over. nlayers: int number of layers in system minus two. layers: array_like An n by 4 array consisting of information about the layer; thickness, real SLD, imag SLD, and roughness (not used in falass), where n is the number of layers. qvals: array_like q-vectors for calculation. Returns ------- array_like The kn array for the Abeles optical matrix calculation. """ kn = np.zeros((npnts, nlayers + 2), np.complex128) sld = np.zeros(nlayers + 2, np.complex128) sld[:] += ((layers[:, 1] - layers[0, 1]) + 1j * (layers[:, 2] - layers[0, 2])) kn[:] = np.sqrt(qvals[:, np.newaxis] ** 2. / 4. - 4 * np.pi * sld) return kn
[docs]def knext_and_rj(kn, idx, k): """Calculate the k in the next layer and the nature of rj. This will determine the wavevector value in the next layer and therefore the value of rj which describes the propensity for the wavevector to reflect or refract at a given interface. Parameters ---------- kn: array_like The wavevector array for a given layer. idx: int The particular layer. k: array_like The wavevector for the semi-infinite top layer. Returns ------- array_like The wavector array in the next layer. array_like The rj array for the interface. """ k_next = kn[:, idx] rj = (k - k_next) / (k + k_next) rj *= np.exp(k * k_next) return k_next, rj