Source code for falass.sld

from falass import dataformat, job
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class SLD: """SLD profile calculation. This class enables the calculation of the SLD profile for each of the timesteps as defined in the falass.job.Job. Further it will then allow the calculation and plotting of the average SLD profile. Parameters ---------- assigned_job: falass.job.Job The is the Job class for the particular falass run taking place. See the job.Job class for more information. """ def __init__(self, assigned_job): self.assigned_job = assigned_job self.sld_profile = [] self.av_sld_profile = [] self.av_sld_profile_err = []
[docs] def set_sld_profile(self, sld): self.sld_profile = sld
[docs] def set_av_sld_profile(self, av_sld, av_sld_err): self.av_sld_profile = av_sld self.av_sld_profile_err = av_sld_err
[docs] def get_sld_profile(self): """Calculate SLD profile. This will calculate the SLD profile for each of the timesteps defined in the falass.job.Job. This is achieved by summing the scattering lengths for each of the atoms found in a given layer (of defined thickness). This total scattering length is converted to a density by division by the volume of the layer. """ prog = 0 self.sld_profile = [] print("Calculating SLD profile\n[ 0 % ]") # create mask of which frames to analyse time_mask = np.array([True if t in self.assigned_job.times else False for t in self.assigned_job.files.times], dtype=bool) u = self.assigned_job.files.u k = 0 for ts in u.trajectory[time_mask]: if self.assigned_job.files.flip: u.atoms.positions[:, 2] = readwrite.flip_zpos(u.dimensions[2], u.atoms.positions[:, 2]) build_sld = [] z_cut = u.dimensions[2] - self.assigned_job.cut_off_size number_of_bins = int(z_cut / self.assigned_job.layer_thickness) for j in range(0, number_of_bins): build_sld.append(dataformat.SLDPro(self.assigned_job.layer_thickness, 0, 0)) for atom in u.atoms: if atom.position[2] < number_of_bins * self.assigned_job.layer_thickness: bin_choose = int(atom.position[2] / self.assigned_job.layer_thickness) scatlen_to_add = get_scatlen(, self.assigned_job.files.scat_lens) build_sld[bin_choose].real += scatlen_to_add[0] build_sld[bin_choose].imag += scatlen_to_add[1] k += 1 prog_new = np.floor(k / (len(u.atoms) * len(self.assigned_job.files.atoms)) * 100) if prog_new > prog + 9: prog = prog_new print("[{} {} % ]".format('#' * int(prog / 10), int(prog / 10) * 10)) for j in range(0, number_of_bins): build_sld[j].real /= (u.dimensions[0] * u.dimensions[1] * self.assigned_job.layer_thickness) build_sld[j].imag /= (u.dimensions[0] * u.dimensions[1] * self.assigned_job.layer_thickness) self.sld_profile.append(build_sld)
[docs] def average_sld_profile(self): """Average SLD profiles. Allows for the calculation of the average SLD profile across all of the timesteps that were studied. """ prog = 0 self.av_sld_profile_err = [] self.av_sld_profile = [] print("Getting average SLD profile\n[ 0 % ]") z_cut = self.assigned_job.files.cell[0][2] - self.assigned_job.cut_off_size number_of_bins = int(z_cut / self.assigned_job.layer_thickness) k = 0 for j in range(0, number_of_bins): self.av_sld_profile.append(dataformat.SLDPro(self.assigned_job.layer_thickness, 0, 0)) for i in range(0, len(self.assigned_job.times)): self.av_sld_profile[j].real += self.sld_profile[i][j].real self.av_sld_profile[j].imag += self.sld_profile[i][j].imag self.av_sld_profile[j].real /= len(self.assigned_job.times) self.av_sld_profile[j].imag /= len(self.assigned_job.times) self.av_sld_profile_err.append(dataformat.SLDPro(self.assigned_job.layer_thickness, 0, 0)) for i in range(0, len(self.assigned_job.times)): self.av_sld_profile_err[j].real += np.square(self.sld_profile[i][j].real - self.av_sld_profile[j].real) self.av_sld_profile_err[j].imag += np.square(self.sld_profile[i][j].imag - self.av_sld_profile[j].imag) k += 1 prog_new = np.floor(k / (number_of_bins * len(self.assigned_job.files.atoms)) * 100) if prog_new > prog + 9: prog = prog_new print("[{} {} % ]".format('#' * int(prog / 10), int(prog / 10) * 10)) self.av_sld_profile_err[j].real = np.sqrt(1. / (len(self.assigned_job.times) - 1)) * self.av_sld_profile_err[j].real self.av_sld_profile_err[j].imag = np.sqrt(1. / (len(self.assigned_job.times) - 1)) * self.av_sld_profile_err[j].imag
[docs] def plot_sld_profile(self, real=True, imag=False): #pragma: no cover """Plot SLD. Plots the average sld profile using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- real: bool Should the real SLD profile be plotted (if both real and imaginary are true the real will be plotted). imag: bool Should the imaginary SLD profile be plotted (if both real and imaginary are true the real will be plotted). """ x = [] y = [] dy = [] buildx = 0 plt.rc('text') plt.rc('font', family='serif') plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) for i in range(0, len(self.av_sld_profile)): if real: y.append(self.av_sld_profile[i].real) dy.append(self.av_sld_profile_err[i].real) if imag: y.append(self.av_sld_profile[i].imag) dy.append(self.av_sld_profile_err[i].imag) buildx += self.av_sld_profile[i].thick x.append(buildx) - self.assigned_job.layer_thickness/2., np.asarray(y)*1e6, width=self.assigned_job.layer_thickness, yerr=np.asarray(dy)*1e6, color='w', edgecolor='k') plt.ylabel('SLD (10$^{-6}$ \AA$^{-2}$)') plt.xlabel('$z$ (\AA)') plt.xlim([0, np.amax(x)]) plt.ylim([np.amin(np.asarray(y)*1e6), np.amax(np.asarray(y)*1e6)+1]) return plt
[docs]def get_scatlen(atom, scat_lens): """Find scattering length. This gets the scattering length for a given atom type Parameters ---------- atom: str The name of the atom type that the scattering length is needed for. scat_lens: array_like falass.dataformat.ScatLens The array of the scattering lengths that is defined in the falass.readwrite.Files class. Returns ------- tuple_like The real and imaginary scattering lengths for the given atom type. """ for i in range(0, len(scat_lens)): if atom == scat_lens[i].atom: return scat_lens[i].real, scat_lens[i].imag raise ValueError("Attempt to get the scattering length of the atom type {} failed. This should never happen. " "Please contact the developers".format(atom))